Our Services

Our Range of Services

CBI offers a range of services for individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities, including:

Early Intensive ABA

We specialize in early intervention, focusing on services with preschoolers. For preschoolers, research supports intensive intervention, so that we can maximize learning opportunities before children start full day school. The aim of an early intensive ABA program is to prepare children to be as independent as possible when they start school, a process that is individualized to each child’s needs. As children reach school age, the intensity of services typically decreases as the child transitions to an appropriate educational setting. Below are some of the key features of our early intensive ABA services:
  • Initial and ongoing assessment and treatment goal development by a behavior analyst
  • Supervision and treatment planning by a behavior analyst for approximately 10-20% of service hours, including training and supervision across settings, data analysis and treatment recommendations, and parent training
  • Regular team meetings
  • Initial and ongoing competency-based training/supervision of Interventionists
  • Regular parent meetings and training
  • Collaboration with other professionals, such as school staff and speech/occupational therapists

Intensive therapy typically involves 15-30 hours per week of therapy time, depending on the age and needs of the learner. Though this may seem like a rigorous schedule for a preschooler, we work to ensure that activities are developmentally appropriate, and, most importantly, that therapy sessions are fun! We want our learners to be eager to come to therapy sessions and enjoying their time in therapy. Therapy activities should also be appropriate to each learner’s developmental needs and age. For younger children, therapy will involve lots of play with toys and social play. For older learners, we might incorporate group activities, structured activities such as games and crafts, or play with same age peers. Activities during therapy will vary somewhat based on location (home, clinic, or community preschool), so parents are encouraged to ask questions to find out specifics about session activities for their child.

School-Age ABA Services

When learners transition from early intensive ABA to school, we work to collaborate with school providers to support a successful transition. In some cases, or learners may not need ongoing ABA supports after transitioning to school. In other cases, continued services may be needed. When children enter public school, our services become less intensive, given that children are not available for most of our business hours. We offer after school therapy sessions for learners who have ongoing therapy needs, including social skills groups in our clinic. For children attending private school, we may be able to provide behavior supports during the school day with the aim of increased independence in the classroom over time. For those who require more intensive services outside of school, it may be more appropriate to transition to another service provider who is able to provide therapy evenings and weekends.

Behavioral Assessment and Supports

We often find that children enrolled in early intensive ABA or school age services flourish with general positive behavior supports and through learning self-advocacy and coping skills during therapy. Sometimes a learner might struggle with behavioral concerns that require an additional assessment and higher level of support. In these cases, functional behavioral assessment is available, with the aim of creating a more detailed and individualized behavior support plan for the child. Behavioral assessment services include:
  • Initial functional behavioral assessment
  • Development of a behavior support plan or skill acquisition plan
  • Parent and caregiver training
  • Ongoing monitoring and data analysis, with revisions to the plan when needed
  • Coordination with other professionals to ensure consistency of supports across settings

Locations Served

The above services are available in Bend and Redmond. On a case-by-case basis, services may be available in other areas of Central Oregon depending on current availability and scheduling, if travel to Bend for daily therapy sessions is feasible.